
Last updated: January 2023


We do not collect any personal data or information that identies users personally. We do not do cookies sync with any thirdparty technology or provider. We comply with all privacy laws of the EU, US and others countries.

The Information we collect: We only collect data that is necessary for ad targeting in compliance with international laws on privacy.

Location information

Information regarding your location may be recorded and used when visiting a site that hosts one of our ads. We do this in order to make sure that the ads you are viewing are within a close range to your location.

For EEA Internet Users, the meaning of "Personal Data" under the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"), and what this means for Platform Data.

"Personal Data" is defined as any data relating to a living individual who can be identified directly from that data, or indirectly in conjunction with other information. It can take the form of a name or address, and can extend to unique identifiers, IP addresses and other identifiers which do not tell us who an Internet user is in the "real world" but may, when combined with other information, allow the identification of a living individual.

We do not collect personal data that identifies you as an individual in the "real world." When you (an Internet user) visit a Digital Property that has integrated our technology or that uses technology that integrates with our Platform, we do not know your name or email address or other information that directly identifies you. We take care to ensure that we do not collect any information that tells us who you are.

Instead, when you first visit a Digital Property that has integrated our technology, this triggers a request to our Platform to fill ad space or measure information about an ad shown to you. When this occurs, we assign a random unique identifier (a Digital Identifier) an "Dochase ID," to your browser or device, which allows the Platform to automatically recognize your browser or device the next time it visits another Digital Property that has integrated our technology. This type of "pseudonymous data" is defined as "Personal Data" under the GDPR.

This allows our clients to sync their own Digital Identifiers against this Dochase ID (see ID Synching below) so that our clients can use their own data on the Platform.

Device Information

Data regarding the specific machine and operating system you use, etc. is recorded.

Cookies and Anonymous Identifiers

In order to obtain and collect data we will record and hold information when a site hosting one of our Ads is visited. This could result in one or more cookies or anonymous identifiers being sent to your device.

What we do with the information we collect

The data collected is obtained in order to ensure you are served with ads that are applicable to your location/interest, as well as to provide advertisers the option to record their conversions if need be.

Information Security

We monitor and adjust our data collection, storage and processing practices to prevent unauthorised access to our systems.

We restrict internal access to this information to authorized personnel only.

Data Collection/ Usage & Ad Targeting Practices and Capabilities

We do not collect information that by itself identifies an individual in the "real world", such as name, address, phone number, email address, or government identifier, to be used on the Platform. We also do not allow information that directly identifies an individual to be collected or used in connection with use of our Platform.

No Personal Identifiable Information is collected or manipulated in any way.

We do not support age targeting thereby preventing isolated targeting of minors.

No impression-level data is obtained for subsequent use or targeting.

We use no other method of geo-location other than IP matching.

We do not do any browser packet sniffing.

Browser or device fingerprinting is not supported/used.

We don't allow any 3rd parties to add or manipulate cookies in any way.

Flash cookies are not supported not used.

Impression-level page scrapping is not permitted.

Your IP address is not used for anything other than to determine your location.

Data Ownership/Selling

We do not share any of the data we collect with any 3rd parties.

We do not sell or trade any of the data that we collect.

Cookie Usage, Cookie Matching, and Cookie Lifetime

We use cookies for our own targeting purposes only and do not match our cookies with those of any 3rd parties.

Our cookies do not live longer than 2 years.

We cannot access your machine nor the cookies we've stored on it unless you are visiting our site or one of the sites that has our ad tags on it.

The Following Information gets stored on our Advertising Platform

If you ever click on our ad, a cookie is created. If you are interested in the product or service being advertised and continue to sign up or complete a contact-us form, we use a cookie to match the lead to the click - the cookie is then removed.

Some cookies are used to make sure you don't see the same ad too many times.

A cookie is used to check if you have seen our ads before so that we can attempt different ads tailored more to your interests.

Some cookies are used to assist us in detecting a click when one of our publishers is using legacy systems.

The Following Information gets stored on our Main Website

3 cookies are used to determine if you are logged in or not.

An additional secure cookie is created if you click the "Remember me" option.

Post login, we store some cookies to remember your selected date range, language preference, etc - these improve your experience of our logged in area.

How to Remove our Cookies

To remove cookies, follow any of the links below which explains how to remove cookies for Ios and android.

For iOS opt-out instructions click: here

For Android Opt-out instructions click: here

To reset Advertisers ID use the links below:

Android: here

iOS: here

Opt-Out for Android

Opt-out of interest-based ads on Android apps:

– Open Google Settings

– Tap on Ads

– You need to manage Opt-out of interest-based ads

– If the box is checked, uncheck it to disable interest-based ads

– If the box is unchecked, select it in order to enable interest-based ads

To update your cookie setting:

– Open a mobile browser app

– Tap on the Menu key

– From the options for the current application that is running select More

– From the list of browser functions select the Settings

– Scroll down until you find the Accept cookies

– If the box is checked, uncheck it to disable cookies

– If the box is unchecked, select it in order to enable cookies

Opt-Out for iOS

For iOS 6 or higher:

To update your IDFA setting :

– Choose Settings > Privacy > Advertising

– Turn Limit Ad Tracking On ( Off is the default setting )

To update your cookie setting :

– Choose Settings > Safari > Block Cookies

– Choose Always / From third parties and advertisers / Never


If at any time you wish to stop receiving email from us, please follow the removal instructions located at the bottom of each email and or send an email to the address provided above.

Advertising and Privacy: Remarketing or Retargeting Campaigns.

Remarketing or retargeting campaigns are used to improve user online experience, including the display of more relevant ads. Segment or conversion pixels are sometimes used to collect data about a user, such as web pages they visit, actions they take, or qualities such as gender, location and wealth. Segment data is written to and extracted via cookies.You may have heard a lot about consumer profiling and tracking cookies. You have the choice to opt-out of cookies.

The World Privacy Forum provides Consumer Tips on How to Opt-Out of Cookies that Track You. Also, Learn more on Google privacy policy and how they use advertising cookies.

VII. Use of Materials.

Your use of this Site and any materials available on or through this Site is governed by the Terms of Use Agreement for this Site, which you may

view it here.

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